11th April 2021

Our Beavers and Cubs returned to face-to-face Scouting today for some family challenges and games! Beavers completed their Cyclist badges and competed in some mini-Olympics races while the Cubs families went head to head in a Primrose Hill orienteering challenge which saw them testing their map skills, putting up tents, pretending to be camels and more.

It was an amazing day to get everyone back together and see some familiar faces, we’re looking forward to meeting our new members at the start of next term.

4th April 2021

12th Hampstead have had a busy last few months with online meetings, it hasn’t been normal but it has still been fun! We’ve had virtual camps, cooking/baking challenges, guest speakers and lots of Kahoot quizzes.

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have learnt new skills over Lockdown, but we are now really looking forward to getting back to face-to-face meetings after the Easter holidays. We’re going to dive straight back in: welcoming many new members who joined us throughout Lockdown.


Not only can we use this Blog to keep you up to date with what we are getting up to on weeknights and camps, but we are also going to be handing the controls over to some of our young people so they can give their own thoughts on Scouting.

Stay tuned. 12th will return soon.